Trait bonsaidb::core::key::Key

pub trait Key<'k>: KeyEncoding<Self> + Clone + Send + Sync {
    const CAN_OWN_BYTES: bool;

    // Required method
    fn from_ord_bytes<'e>(
        bytes: ByteSource<'k, 'e>
    ) -> Result<Self, Self::Error>;

    // Provided methods
    fn first_value() -> Result<Self, NextValueError> { ... }
    fn next_value(&self) -> Result<Self, NextValueError> { ... }
Expand description

A trait that enables a type to convert itself into a memcmp-compatible sequence of bytes.

Deriving this trait

This trait can be derived on structs and enums whose members all implement Key. It is important to note that the order of individual fields and enum variants is important, so special care must be taken when updating enums and structs when trying to preserve backwards compatibility with existing data.

use bonsaidb_core::key::Key;

#[derive(Key, Clone, Debug)]
struct CompositeKey {
    user_id: u64,
    task_id: u32,

Each field or enum variant is encoded and decoded in the order in which it appears in the source code. The implementation uses CompositeKeyEncoder and CompositeKeyDecoder to encode each field.

Changing the enum representation type

By default, the derived Key implementation will use an isize for its representation, which is encoded using ordered_varint. If you wish to use a fixed-size encoding or use usize, enum_repr can be used to control the type being encoded.

The default behavior produces compact output for simple enums, but can also support growing to the limits of isize:

use bonsaidb_core::key::{Key, KeyEncoding};

#[derive(Key, Clone, Debug)]
enum Color {

let encoded = Color::Red.as_ord_bytes().unwrap();
assert_eq!(encoded.len(), 1);

If a #[repr(...)] attribute exists and its parameter is a built-in integer type, the Key derive will use that type for its representation instead:

use bonsaidb_core::key::{Key, KeyEncoding};

#[derive(Key, Clone, Debug)]
enum Color {
    Red = 0xFF0000FF,
    Green = 0x00FF00FF,
    Blue = 0x0000FFFF,

let encoded = Color::Red.as_ord_bytes().unwrap();
assert_eq!(encoded.len(), 4);

If the type would rather use a different type for the key encoding than it uses for in-memory representation, the enum_repr parameter can be used:

use bonsaidb_core::key::{Key, KeyEncoding};

#[derive(Key, Clone, Debug)]
#[key(enum_repr = u32)]
enum Color {
    Red = 0xFF0000FF,
    Green = 0x00FF00FF,
    Blue = 0x0000FFFF,

let encoded = Color::Red.as_ord_bytes().unwrap();
assert_eq!(encoded.len(), 4);


The derive macro offers an argument null_handling, which defaults to escape. Escaping null bytes in variable length fields ensures all data encoded will sort correctly. In situations where speed is more important than sorting behavior, allow or deny can be specified. allow will permit null bytes to pass through encoding and decoding without being checked. deny will check for null bytes when encoding and return an error if any are present.

Null bytes can cause problematic sort behavior when multiple variable-length encoded fields are encoded as a composite key. Consider this example:

use bonsaidb_core::key::Key;

#[derive(Key, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd)]
#[key(null_handling = allow)]
struct CompositeKey {
    a: String,
    b: String,

With this structure, we can cause sorting misbehaviors using this data set:

abEncoded Bytes
"a""c"6100 6300 0101
"a\0b""a"6100 6200 610003 01
"b""a"6200 6100 0101

In this table, a and b are ordered as CompositeKey would be ordered when compared using Ord. However, the order of the encoded bytes does not match.

This null-byte edge case only applies to variable length Keys (KeyEncoding::LENGTH is None).

Required Associated Constants§

const CAN_OWN_BYTES: bool

If true, this type can benefit from an owned Vec<u8>. This flag is used as a hint of whether to attempt to do memcpy operations in some decoding operations to avoid extra allocations.

Required Methods§

fn from_ord_bytes<'e>(bytes: ByteSource<'k, 'e>) -> Result<Self, Self::Error>

Deserialize a sequence of bytes previously encoded with KeyEncoding::as_ord_bytes.

Provided Methods§

fn first_value() -> Result<Self, NextValueError>

Return the first value in sequence for this type. Not all types implement this.

fn next_value(&self) -> Result<Self, NextValueError>

Return the next value in sequence for this type. Not all types implement this. Instead of wrapping/overflowing, None should be returned.

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl<'k> Key<'k> for Cow<'k, str>


const CAN_OWN_BYTES: bool = true


fn from_ord_bytes<'e>( bytes: ByteSource<'k, 'e> ) -> Result<Cow<'k, str>, <Cow<'k, str> as KeyEncoding<Cow<'k, str>>>::Error>


impl<'k> Key<'k> for NonZeroU32


impl<'k> Key<'k> for NonZeroI128


impl<'k> Key<'k> for Duration


impl<'k> Key<'k> for i16


impl<'k> Key<'k> for isize


impl<'k> Key<'k> for NonZeroI32


impl<'k> Key<'k> for Cow<'k, [u8]>


const CAN_OWN_BYTES: bool = true


fn from_ord_bytes<'e>( bytes: ByteSource<'k, 'e> ) -> Result<Cow<'k, [u8]>, <Cow<'k, [u8]> as KeyEncoding<Cow<'k, [u8]>>>::Error>


impl<'k, T1, T2, T3> Key<'k> for (T1, T2, T3)where T1: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T2: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T3: for<'ke> Key<'ke>,


impl<'k, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5> Key<'k> for (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5)where T1: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T2: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T3: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T4: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T5: for<'ke> Key<'ke>,


impl<'k> Key<'k> for ()


const CAN_OWN_BYTES: bool = false


fn from_ord_bytes<'b>( _: ByteSource<'k, 'b> ) -> Result<(), <() as KeyEncoding<()>>::Error>


impl<'k, T1, T2, T3, T4> Key<'k> for (T1, T2, T3, T4)where T1: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T2: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T3: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T4: for<'ke> Key<'ke>,


impl<'k> Key<'k> for String


const CAN_OWN_BYTES: bool = true


fn from_ord_bytes<'b>( bytes: ByteSource<'k, 'b> ) -> Result<String, <String as KeyEncoding<String>>::Error>


impl<'k, T1> Key<'k> for (T1,)where T1: for<'ke> Key<'ke>,


const CAN_OWN_BYTES: bool = false


fn from_ord_bytes<'e>( bytes: ByteSource<'k, 'e> ) -> Result<(T1,), <(T1,) as KeyEncoding<(T1,)>>::Error>


impl<'k, T> Key<'k> for Option<T>where T: Key<'k>, Option<T>: KeyEncoding<Option<T>, Error = <T as KeyEncoding<T>>::Error>,




fn from_ord_bytes<'e>( bytes: ByteSource<'k, 'e> ) -> Result<Option<T>, <Option<T> as KeyEncoding<Option<T>>>::Error>


fn first_value() -> Result<Option<T>, NextValueError>


fn next_value(&self) -> Result<Option<T>, NextValueError>


impl<'k> Key<'k> for NonZeroI8


impl<'k> Key<'k> for u16


impl<'k> Key<'k> for u32


impl<'k, T1, T2> Key<'k> for (T1, T2)where T1: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T2: for<'ke> Key<'ke>,


impl<'k> Key<'k> for SystemTime


impl<'k, const N: usize> Key<'k> for [u8; N]


const CAN_OWN_BYTES: bool = false


fn from_ord_bytes<'e>( bytes: ByteSource<'k, 'e> ) -> Result<[u8; N], <[u8; N] as KeyEncoding<[u8; N]>>::Error>


impl<'k> Key<'k> for bool


const CAN_OWN_BYTES: bool = false


fn from_ord_bytes<'b>( bytes: ByteSource<'k, 'b> ) -> Result<bool, <bool as KeyEncoding<bool>>::Error>


impl<'k> Key<'k> for NonZeroIsize


impl<'k, T, E> Key<'k> for Result<T, E>where T: Key<'k>, E: Key<'k, Error = <T as KeyEncoding<T>>::Error>, Result<T, E>: KeyEncoding<Result<T, E>, Error = <T as KeyEncoding<T>>::Error>,




fn from_ord_bytes<'b>( bytes: ByteSource<'k, 'b> ) -> Result<Result<T, E>, <Result<T, E> as KeyEncoding<Result<T, E>>>::Error>


fn first_value() -> Result<Result<T, E>, NextValueError>


fn next_value(&self) -> Result<Result<T, E>, NextValueError>


impl<'k> Key<'k> for usize


impl<'k, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8> Key<'k> for (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8)where T1: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T2: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T3: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T4: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T5: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T6: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T7: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T8: for<'ke> Key<'ke>,


impl<'k> Key<'k> for i32


impl<'k> Key<'k> for u8


impl<'k> Key<'k> for NonZeroUsize


impl<'k> Key<'k> for i8


impl<'k> Key<'k> for NonZeroU16


impl<'k> Key<'k> for i64


impl<'k> Key<'k> for u128


impl<'k> Key<'k> for NonZeroI16


impl<'k> Key<'k> for Uuid


const CAN_OWN_BYTES: bool = false


fn from_ord_bytes<'e>( bytes: ByteSource<'k, 'e> ) -> Result<Uuid, <Uuid as KeyEncoding<Uuid>>::Error>


impl<'k> Key<'k> for NonZeroU128


impl<'k> Key<'k> for NonZeroU8


impl<'k> Key<'k> for u64


impl<'k, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7> Key<'k> for (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7)where T1: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T2: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T3: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T4: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T5: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T6: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T7: for<'ke> Key<'ke>,


impl<'k, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6> Key<'k> for (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6)where T1: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T2: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T3: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T4: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T5: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T6: for<'ke> Key<'ke>,


impl<'k> Key<'k> for NonZeroU64


impl<'k> Key<'k> for NonZeroI64


impl<'k> Key<'k> for i128


impl<'k> Key<'k> for Vec<u8, Global>


const CAN_OWN_BYTES: bool = true


fn from_ord_bytes<'e>( bytes: ByteSource<'k, 'e> ) -> Result<Vec<u8, Global>, <Vec<u8, Global> as KeyEncoding<Vec<u8, Global>>>::Error>



impl<'a, 'k, TOwned, TBorrowed> Key<'k> for MaybeOwned<'a, TOwned, TBorrowed>where TBorrowed: KeyEncoding<TOwned, Error = <TOwned as KeyEncoding<TOwned>>::Error> + PartialEq<TBorrowed> + ?Sized, TOwned: Key<'k> + PartialEq<TBorrowed>,


const CAN_OWN_BYTES: bool = TOwned::CAN_OWN_BYTES


impl<'k> Key<'k> for Bytes


const CAN_OWN_BYTES: bool = true


impl<'k> Key<'k> for CowBytes<'k>


const CAN_OWN_BYTES: bool = true


impl<'k> Key<'k> for ArcBytes<'k>


const CAN_OWN_BYTES: bool = true


impl<'k> Key<'k> for SensitiveBytes


const CAN_OWN_BYTES: bool = true


impl<'k> Key<'k> for SensitiveString


const CAN_OWN_BYTES: bool = true


impl<'k> Key<'k> for DocumentId


const CAN_OWN_BYTES: bool = false


impl<'k> Key<'k> for Timestamp


const CAN_OWN_BYTES: bool = false


impl<'k> Key<'k> for Signed


const CAN_OWN_BYTES: bool = false


impl<'k> Key<'k> for Unsigned


const CAN_OWN_BYTES: bool = false


impl<'k, Resolution> Key<'k> for LimitedResolutionDuration<Resolution>where Resolution: TimeResolution,


const CAN_OWN_BYTES: bool = false


impl<'k, Resolution, Epoch> Key<'k> for LimitedResolutionTimestamp<Resolution, Epoch>where Resolution: TimeResolution, Epoch: TimeEpoch,


const CAN_OWN_BYTES: bool = false


impl<'k, T1> Key<'k> for TupleEncodingV1<(T1,)>where T1: for<'ke> Key<'ke>,


const CAN_OWN_BYTES: bool = false


impl<'k, T1, T2> Key<'k> for TupleEncodingV1<(T1, T2)>where T1: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T2: for<'ke> Key<'ke>,


const CAN_OWN_BYTES: bool = false


impl<'k, T1, T2, T3> Key<'k> for TupleEncodingV1<(T1, T2, T3)>where T1: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T2: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T3: for<'ke> Key<'ke>,


const CAN_OWN_BYTES: bool = false


impl<'k, T1, T2, T3, T4> Key<'k> for TupleEncodingV1<(T1, T2, T3, T4)>where T1: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T2: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T3: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T4: for<'ke> Key<'ke>,


const CAN_OWN_BYTES: bool = false


impl<'k, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5> Key<'k> for TupleEncodingV1<(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5)>where T1: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T2: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T3: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T4: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T5: for<'ke> Key<'ke>,


const CAN_OWN_BYTES: bool = false


impl<'k, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6> Key<'k> for TupleEncodingV1<(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6)>where T1: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T2: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T3: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T4: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T5: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T6: for<'ke> Key<'ke>,


const CAN_OWN_BYTES: bool = false


impl<'k, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7> Key<'k> for TupleEncodingV1<(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7)>where T1: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T2: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T3: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T4: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T5: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T6: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T7: for<'ke> Key<'ke>,


const CAN_OWN_BYTES: bool = false


impl<'k, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8> Key<'k> for TupleEncodingV1<(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8)>where T1: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T2: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T3: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T4: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T5: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T6: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T7: for<'ke> Key<'ke>, T8: for<'ke> Key<'ke>,


const CAN_OWN_BYTES: bool = false


impl<'k, T> Key<'k> for EnumKey<T>where T: ToPrimitive + FromPrimitive + Clone + Eq + Ord + Debug + Send + Sync,


const CAN_OWN_BYTES: bool = false


impl<'k, T> Key<'k> for OptionKeyV1<T>where T: Key<'k>, OptionKeyV1<T>: KeyEncoding<OptionKeyV1<T>, Error = <T as KeyEncoding<T>>::Error>,


const CAN_OWN_BYTES: bool = false


impl<'k, T> Key<'k> for VarInt<T>where T: VariableInteger,


const CAN_OWN_BYTES: bool = false