pub struct Builder { /* private fields */ }
Expand description

Builder for creating a Config.



impl Builder

pub fn new() -> Builder

Constructs a config builder.

pub fn http_connector(self, http_connector: impl Into<HttpConnector>) -> Builder

Sets the HTTP connector to use when making requests.

use std::time::Duration;
use aws_smithy_client::{Client, hyper_ext};
use aws_smithy_client::erase::DynConnector;
use aws_smithy_client::http_connector::ConnectorSettings;
use aws_sdk_s3::config::Config;

let https_connector = hyper_rustls::HttpsConnectorBuilder::new()
let smithy_connector = hyper_ext::Adapter::builder()
    // Optionally set things like timeouts as well

pub fn set_http_connector( &mut self, http_connector: Option<impl Into<HttpConnector>> ) -> &mut Builder

Sets the HTTP connector to use when making requests.

use std::time::Duration;
use aws_smithy_client::hyper_ext;
use aws_smithy_client::http_connector::ConnectorSettings;
use aws_sdk_s3::config::{Builder, Config};

fn override_http_connector(builder: &mut Builder) {
    let https_connector = hyper_rustls::HttpsConnectorBuilder::new()
    let smithy_connector = hyper_ext::Adapter::builder()
        // Optionally set things like timeouts as well

let mut builder = aws_sdk_s3::Config::builder();
override_http_connector(&mut builder);
let config =;

pub fn force_path_style(self, force_path_style: impl Into<bool>) -> Builder

Forces this client to use path-style addressing for buckets.

pub fn set_force_path_style( &mut self, force_path_style: Option<bool> ) -> &mut Builder

Forces this client to use path-style addressing for buckets.

pub fn use_arn_region(self, use_arn_region: impl Into<bool>) -> Builder

Enables this client to use an ARN’s region when constructing an endpoint instead of the client’s configured region.

pub fn set_use_arn_region( &mut self, use_arn_region: Option<bool> ) -> &mut Builder

Enables this client to use an ARN’s region when constructing an endpoint instead of the client’s configured region.

pub fn disable_multi_region_access_points( self, disable_multi_region_access_points: impl Into<bool> ) -> Builder

Disables this client’s usage of Multi-Region Access Points.

pub fn set_disable_multi_region_access_points( &mut self, disable_multi_region_access_points: Option<bool> ) -> &mut Builder

Disables this client’s usage of Multi-Region Access Points.

pub fn accelerate(self, accelerate: impl Into<bool>) -> Builder

Enables this client to use S3 Transfer Acceleration endpoints.

pub fn set_accelerate(&mut self, accelerate: Option<bool>) -> &mut Builder

Enables this client to use S3 Transfer Acceleration endpoints.

pub fn endpoint_resolver( self, endpoint_resolver: impl ResolveEndpoint<Params> + 'static ) -> Builder

Sets the endpoint resolver to use when making requests.

Note: setting an endpoint resolver will replace any endpoint URL that has been set.

When unset, the client will used a generated endpoint resolver based on the endpoint resolution rules for aws_sdk_s3.

use aws_smithy_http::endpoint;
use aws_sdk_s3::config::endpoint::{Params as EndpointParams, DefaultResolver};
/// Endpoint resolver which adds a prefix to the generated endpoint
struct PrefixResolver {
    base_resolver: DefaultResolver,
    prefix: String
impl endpoint::ResolveEndpoint<EndpointParams> for PrefixResolver {
  fn resolve_endpoint(&self, params: &EndpointParams) -> endpoint::Result {
                  let url = ep.url().to_string();
                  ep.into_builder().url(format!("{}.{}", &self.prefix, url)).build()
let prefix_resolver = PrefixResolver {
    base_resolver: DefaultResolver::new(),
    prefix: "subdomain".to_string()
let config = aws_sdk_s3::Config::builder().endpoint_resolver(prefix_resolver);

pub fn set_endpoint_resolver( &mut self, endpoint_resolver: Option<SharedEndpointResolver<Params>> ) -> &mut Builder

Sets the endpoint resolver to use when making requests.

When unset, the client will used a generated endpoint resolver based on the endpoint resolution rules for aws_sdk_s3.

pub fn retry_config(self, retry_config: RetryConfig) -> Builder

Set the retry_config for the builder

use aws_sdk_s3::config::Config;
use aws_sdk_s3::config::retry::RetryConfig;

let retry_config = RetryConfig::standard().with_max_attempts(5);
let config = Config::builder().retry_config(retry_config).build();

pub fn set_retry_config( &mut self, retry_config: Option<RetryConfig> ) -> &mut Builder

Set the retry_config for the builder

use aws_sdk_s3::config::{Builder, Config};
use aws_sdk_s3::config::retry::RetryConfig;

fn disable_retries(builder: &mut Builder) {
    let retry_config = RetryConfig::standard().with_max_attempts(1);

let mut builder = Config::builder();
disable_retries(&mut builder);
let config =;

pub fn sleep_impl(self, sleep_impl: SharedAsyncSleep) -> Builder

Set the sleep_impl for the builder

use aws_sdk_s3::config::{AsyncSleep, Config, SharedAsyncSleep, Sleep};

pub struct ForeverSleep;

impl AsyncSleep for ForeverSleep {
    fn sleep(&self, duration: std::time::Duration) -> Sleep {

let sleep_impl = SharedAsyncSleep::new(ForeverSleep);
let config = Config::builder().sleep_impl(sleep_impl).build();

pub fn set_sleep_impl( &mut self, sleep_impl: Option<SharedAsyncSleep> ) -> &mut Builder

Set the sleep_impl for the builder

use aws_sdk_s3::config::{AsyncSleep, Builder, Config, SharedAsyncSleep, Sleep};

pub struct ForeverSleep;

impl AsyncSleep for ForeverSleep {
    fn sleep(&self, duration: std::time::Duration) -> Sleep {

fn set_never_ending_sleep_impl(builder: &mut Builder) {
    let sleep_impl = SharedAsyncSleep::new(ForeverSleep);

let mut builder = Config::builder();
set_never_ending_sleep_impl(&mut builder);
let config =;

pub fn timeout_config(self, timeout_config: TimeoutConfig) -> Builder

Set the timeout_config for the builder

use aws_sdk_s3::config::Config;
use aws_sdk_s3::config::timeout::TimeoutConfig;

let timeout_config = TimeoutConfig::builder()
let config = Config::builder().timeout_config(timeout_config).build();

pub fn set_timeout_config( &mut self, timeout_config: Option<TimeoutConfig> ) -> &mut Builder

Set the timeout_config for the builder

use aws_sdk_s3::config::{Builder, Config};
use aws_sdk_s3::config::timeout::TimeoutConfig;

fn set_request_timeout(builder: &mut Builder) {
    let timeout_config = TimeoutConfig::builder()

let mut builder = Config::builder();
set_request_timeout(&mut builder);
let config =;

pub fn interceptor(self, interceptor: impl Interceptor + 'static) -> Builder

Add an Interceptor that runs at specific stages of the request execution pipeline.

Interceptors targeted at a certain stage are executed according to the pre-defined priority. The SDK provides a default set of interceptors. An interceptor configured by this method will run after those default interceptors.

use aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::interceptors::context::phase::BeforeTransmit;
use aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::interceptors::{Interceptor, InterceptorContext};
use aws_smithy_types::config_bag::ConfigBag;
use aws_sdk_s3::config::Config;

fn base_url() -> String {
    // ...

pub struct UriModifierInterceptor;
impl Interceptor for UriModifierInterceptor {
    fn modify_before_signing(
        context: &mut InterceptorContext<BeforeTransmit>,
        _cfg: &mut ConfigBag,
    ) -> Result<(), aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::interceptors::BoxError> {
        let request = context.request_mut();
        let uri = format!("{}{}", base_url(), request.uri().path());
        *request.uri_mut() = uri.parse()?;


let config = Config::builder()

pub fn push_interceptor( &mut self, interceptor: SharedInterceptor ) -> &mut Builder

Add a SharedInterceptor that runs at specific stages of the request execution pipeline.

Interceptors targeted at a certain stage are executed according to the pre-defined priority. The SDK provides a default set of interceptors. An interceptor configured by this method will run after those default interceptors.

use aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::interceptors::context::phase::BeforeTransmit;
use aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::interceptors::{Interceptor, InterceptorContext, SharedInterceptor};
use aws_smithy_types::config_bag::ConfigBag;
use aws_sdk_s3::config::{Builder, Config};

fn base_url() -> String {
    // ...

fn modify_request_uri(builder: &mut Builder) {
    pub struct UriModifierInterceptor;
    impl Interceptor for UriModifierInterceptor {
        fn modify_before_signing(
            context: &mut InterceptorContext<BeforeTransmit>,
            _cfg: &mut ConfigBag,
        ) -> Result<(), aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::interceptors::BoxError> {
            let request = context.request_mut();
            let uri = format!("{}{}", base_url(), request.uri().path());
            *request.uri_mut() = uri.parse()?;


let mut builder = Config::builder();
modify_request_uri(&mut builder);
let config =;

pub fn set_interceptors( &mut self, interceptors: impl IntoIterator<Item = SharedInterceptor> ) -> &mut Builder

Set SharedInterceptors for the builder.

pub fn time_source(self, time_source: impl Into<SharedTimeSource>) -> Builder

Sets the time source used for this service

pub fn set_time_source( &mut self, time_source: Option<SharedTimeSource> ) -> &mut Builder

Sets the time source used for this service

pub fn app_name(self, app_name: AppName) -> Builder

Sets the name of the app that is using the client.

This optional name is used to identify the application in the user agent that gets sent along with requests.

pub fn set_app_name(&mut self, app_name: Option<AppName>) -> &mut Builder

Sets the name of the app that is using the client.

This optional name is used to identify the application in the user agent that gets sent along with requests.

pub fn invocation_id_generator( self, gen: impl InvocationIdGenerator + 'static ) -> Builder

Overrides the default invocation ID generator.

The invocation ID generator generates ID values for the amz-sdk-invocation-id header. By default, this will be a random UUID. Overriding it may be useful in tests that examine the HTTP request and need to be deterministic.

pub fn set_invocation_id_generator( &mut self, gen: Option<SharedInvocationIdGenerator> ) -> &mut Builder

Overrides the default invocation ID generator.

The invocation ID generator generates ID values for the amz-sdk-invocation-id header. By default, this will be a random UUID. Overriding it may be useful in tests that examine the HTTP request and need to be deterministic.

pub fn endpoint_url(self, endpoint_url: impl Into<String>) -> Builder

Sets the endpoint URL used to communicate with this service Note: this is used in combination with other endpoint rules, e.g. an API that applies a host-label prefix will be prefixed onto this URL. To fully override the endpoint resolver, use Builder::endpoint_resolver.

pub fn set_endpoint_url(&mut self, endpoint_url: Option<String>) -> &mut Builder

Sets the endpoint URL used to communicate with this service Note: this is used in combination with other endpoint rules, e.g. an API that applies a host-label prefix will be prefixed onto this URL. To fully override the endpoint resolver, use Builder::endpoint_resolver.

pub fn use_dual_stack(self, use_dual_stack: impl Into<bool>) -> Builder

When true, use the dual-stack endpoint. If the configured endpoint does not support dual-stack, dispatching the request MAY return an error.

pub fn set_use_dual_stack( &mut self, use_dual_stack: Option<bool> ) -> &mut Builder

When true, use the dual-stack endpoint. If the configured endpoint does not support dual-stack, dispatching the request MAY return an error.

pub fn use_fips(self, use_fips: impl Into<bool>) -> Builder

When true, send this request to the FIPS-compliant regional endpoint. If the configured endpoint does not have a FIPS compliant endpoint, dispatching the request will return an error.

pub fn set_use_fips(&mut self, use_fips: Option<bool>) -> &mut Builder

When true, send this request to the FIPS-compliant regional endpoint. If the configured endpoint does not have a FIPS compliant endpoint, dispatching the request will return an error.

pub fn region(self, region: impl Into<Option<Region>>) -> Builder

Sets the AWS region to use when making requests.

use aws_types::region::Region;
use aws_sdk_s3::config::{Builder, Config};

let config = aws_sdk_s3::Config::builder()

pub fn set_region(&mut self, region: Option<Region>) -> &mut Builder

Sets the AWS region to use when making requests.

pub fn credentials_provider( self, credentials_provider: impl ProvideCredentials + 'static ) -> Builder

Sets the credentials provider for this service

pub fn set_credentials_provider( &mut self, credentials_provider: Option<SharedCredentialsProvider> ) -> &mut Builder

Sets the credentials provider for this service

pub fn credentials_cache(self, credentials_cache: CredentialsCache) -> Builder

Sets the credentials cache for this service

pub fn set_credentials_cache( &mut self, credentials_cache: Option<CredentialsCache> ) -> &mut Builder

Sets the credentials cache for this service

pub fn build(self) -> Config

Builds a Config.

Trait Implementations§


impl Clone for Builder


fn clone(&self) -> Builder

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl Debug for Builder


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), Error>

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl Default for Builder


fn default() -> Builder

Returns the “default value” for a type. Read more

impl From<&SdkConfig> for Builder


fn from(input: &SdkConfig) -> Builder

Converts to this type from the input type.

Auto Trait Implementations§

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<'a, T, E> AsTaggedExplicit<'a, E> for T
where T: 'a,


fn explicit(self, class: Class, tag: u32) -> TaggedParser<'a, Explicit, Self, E>


impl<'a, T, E> AsTaggedImplicit<'a, E> for T
where T: 'a,


fn implicit( self, class: Class, constructed: bool, tag: u32 ) -> TaggedParser<'a, Implicit, Self, E>


impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T> Instrument for T


fn instrument(self, span: Span) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the provided [Span], returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

fn in_current_span(self) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the current Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T> Same for T


type Output = T

Should always be Self

impl<T> ToOwned for T
where T: Clone,


type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

fn to_owned(&self) -> T

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

fn clone_into(&self, target: &mut T)

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<V, T> VZip<V> for T
where V: MultiLane<T>,


fn vzip(self) -> V


impl<T> WithSubscriber for T


fn with_subscriber<S>(self, subscriber: S) -> WithDispatch<Self>
where S: Into<Dispatch>,

Attaches the provided Subscriber to this type, returning a [WithDispatch] wrapper. Read more

fn with_current_subscriber(self) -> WithDispatch<Self>

Attaches the current default Subscriber to this type, returning a [WithDispatch] wrapper. Read more