pub trait KeyValue: Sized + Send + Sync {
    // Required method
    fn execute_key_operation(&self, op: KeyOperation) -> Result<Output, Error>;

    // Provided methods
    fn set_key<S, V, 'a>(&'a self, key: S, value: &'a V) -> Builder<'a, Self, V>
       where S: Into<String>,
             V: Serialize + Send + Sync { ... }
    fn set_binary_key<S, 'a>(
        &'a self,
        key: S,
        bytes: &'a [u8]
    ) -> Builder<'a, Self, ()>
       where S: Into<String> { ... }
    fn set_numeric_key<S, V>(&self, key: S, value: V) -> Builder<'_, Self, ()>
       where S: Into<String>,
             V: Into<Numeric> { ... }
    fn increment_key_by<S, V>(&self, key: S, value: V) -> Builder<'_, Self, V>
       where S: Into<String> + Send + Sync,
             V: Into<Numeric> + TryFrom<Numeric, Error = IncompatibleTypeError> + Send + Sync { ... }
    fn decrement_key_by<S, V>(&self, key: S, value: V) -> Builder<'_, Self, V>
       where S: Into<String> + Send + Sync,
             V: Into<Numeric> + TryFrom<Numeric, Error = IncompatibleTypeError> + Send + Sync { ... }
    fn get_key<S>(&self, key: S) -> Builder<'_, Self>
       where S: Into<String> { ... }
    fn delete_key<S>(&self, key: S) -> Result<KeyStatus, Error>
       where S: Into<String> + Send { ... }
    fn key_namespace(&self) -> Option<&str> { ... }
    fn with_key_namespace(&self, namespace: &str) -> Namespaced<'_, Self> { ... }
Expand description

Key-Value store methods. The Key-Value store is designed to be a high-performance, lightweight storage mechanism.

When compared to Collections, the Key-Value store does not offer ACID-compliant transactions. Instead, the Key-Value store is made more efficient by periodically flushing the store to disk rather than during each operation. As such, the Key-Value store is intended to be used as a lightweight caching layer. However, because each of the operations it supports are executed atomically, the Key-Value store can also be utilized for synchronized locking.

Floating Point Operations

When using KeyValue::set_numeric_key() or any numeric operations, if a Not a Number (NaN) value is encountered, Error::NotANumber will be returned without allowing the operation to succeed.

Positive and negative infinity values are allowed, as they do not break comparison operations.

Required Methods§

Provided Methods§


fn set_key<S, V, 'a>(&'a self, key: S, value: &'a V) -> Builder<'a, Self, V>
where S: Into<String>, V: Serialize + Send + Sync,

Sets key to value. This function returns a builder that is also a Future. Awaiting the builder will execute Command::Set with the options given.


fn set_binary_key<S, 'a>( &'a self, key: S, bytes: &'a [u8] ) -> Builder<'a, Self, ()>
where S: Into<String>,

Sets key to bytes. This function returns a builder that is also a Future. Awaiting the builder will execute Command::Set with the options given.


fn set_numeric_key<S, V>(&self, key: S, value: V) -> Builder<'_, Self, ()>
where S: Into<String>, V: Into<Numeric>,

Sets key to value. This stores the value as a Numeric, enabling atomic math operations to be performed on this key. This function returns a builder that is also a Future. Awaiting the builder will execute Command::Set with the options given.


fn increment_key_by<S, V>(&self, key: S, value: V) -> Builder<'_, Self, V>

Increments key by value. The value stored must be a Numeric, otherwise an error will be returned. The result of the increment will be the value’s type. For example, if the stored value is currently a u64, but value is a f64, the current value will be converted to an f64, and the stored value will be an f64.


fn decrement_key_by<S, V>(&self, key: S, value: V) -> Builder<'_, Self, V>

Decrements key by value. The value stored must be a Numeric, otherwise an error will be returned. The result of the decrement will be the value’s type. For example, if the stored value is currently a u64, but value is a f64, the current value will be converted to an f64, and the stored value will be an f64.


fn get_key<S>(&self, key: S) -> Builder<'_, Self>
where S: Into<String>,

Gets the value stored at key. This function returns a builder that is also a Future. Awaiting the builder will execute Command::Get with the options given.


fn delete_key<S>(&self, key: S) -> Result<KeyStatus, Error>
where S: Into<String> + Send,

Deletes the value stored at key.


fn key_namespace(&self) -> Option<&str>

The current namespace.


fn with_key_namespace(&self, namespace: &str) -> Namespaced<'_, Self>

Access this Key-Value store within a namespace. When using the returned Namespaced instance, all keys specified will be separated into their own storage designated by namespace.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.
