BonsaiDb Commerce Benchmark

large, balanced, 4 agent(s)


Initial Data Set
Type Count
Products 5000
Categories 100
Customers 5000
Orders 5000
Shopping Plans

This run executed 1000 shopping plans across 4 worker(s). All total, the workers will execute the following breakdown of operations:

Operation Invocations
Load 1
LookupProduct 2729
FindProduct 2762
CreateCart 714
AddProductToCart 1350
Checkout 165
RateProduct 81


Backend Total Time Wall Time Transport
bonsaidb-local 3.067s 766.7ms None
bonsaidb-local+lz4 3.019s 754.8ms TCP
bonsaidb-quic 8.226s 2.056s UDP with TLS
bonsaidb-ws 6.389s 1.597s TCP
postgresql 60.96s 15.24s TCP
Table of Contents:

Operation Results


Measures the time spent loading the initial data set and performing any pre-cache operations that most database administrators would perform on their databases periodically to ensure good performance.

This operation was executed 1 time(s) across each backend.

Backend Avg Min Max StdDev Outliers
bonsaidb-local 491.5ms 491.5ms 491.5ms 0s 0
bonsaidb-local+lz4 490.9ms 490.9ms 490.9ms 0s 0
bonsaidb-quic 581.7ms 581.7ms 581.7ms 0s 0
bonsaidb-ws 551.9ms 551.9ms 551.9ms 0s 0
postgresql 42.52s 42.52s 42.52s 0s 0

Meaures the time spent looking up a product by its id. This operation is meant to simulate the basic needs of the database to provide a product details page after a user clicked a direct link that contians the product's unique id, including the product's current rating.

This operation was executed 2729 time(s) across each backend.

Backend Avg Min Max StdDev Outliers
bonsaidb-local 164.4us 34.90us 2.487ms 144.5us 47
bonsaidb-local+lz4 164.1us 35.10us 7.252ms 207.5us 20
bonsaidb-quic 896.9us 374.3us 9.113ms 357.8us 34
bonsaidb-ws 655.3us 225.7us 8.137ms 291.2us 31
postgresql 1.865ms 556.4us 40.05ms 1.866ms 34

Measures the time spent looking up a product by its name (exact match, indexed). This operation is meant to simulate the basic needs of the database to provide a product details after finding a product by its name, including the product's current rating.

This operation was executed 2762 time(s) across each backend.

Backend Avg Min Max StdDev Outliers
bonsaidb-local 326.6us 63.90us 6.392ms 289.2us 38
bonsaidb-local+lz4 311.8us 62.50us 2.982ms 210.5us 39
bonsaidb-quic 998.2us 463.3us 8.719ms 391.6us 40
bonsaidb-ws 759.4us 273.6us 4.845ms 304.1us 40
postgresql 2.000ms 472.1us 41.42ms 1.740ms 33

Measures the time spent creating a shopping cart.

This operation was executed 714 time(s) across each backend.

Backend Avg Min Max StdDev Outliers
bonsaidb-local 339.5us 98.60us 6.448ms 325.5us 7
bonsaidb-local+lz4 313.7us 93.40us 1.670ms 169.5us 12
bonsaidb-quic 646.0us 292.0us 34.51ms 1.303ms 2
bonsaidb-ws 584.0us 245.8us 25.86ms 1.331ms 6
postgresql 3.170ms 893.1us 34.49ms 1.890ms 10

Measures the time spent adding a product to a shopping cart.

This operation was executed 1350 time(s) across each backend.

Backend Avg Min Max StdDev Outliers
bonsaidb-local 519.8us 135.7us 35.06ms 1.373ms 4
bonsaidb-local+lz4 521.2us 134.6us 38.05ms 1.437ms 7
bonsaidb-quic 1.095ms 573.8us 35.11ms 1.033ms 5
bonsaidb-ws 848.9us 416.2us 25.67ms 765.6us 4
postgresql 3.130ms 970.2us 18.98ms 1.562ms 28

Measures the time spent converting a shopping cart into an order for a customer.

This operation was executed 165 time(s) across each backend.

Backend Avg Min Max StdDev Outliers
bonsaidb-local 740.5us 291.9us 2.166ms 266.6us 2
bonsaidb-local+lz4 786.8us 318.0us 3.390ms 313.8us 1
bonsaidb-quic 1.747ms 1.141ms 5.259ms 636.3us 5
bonsaidb-ws 1.313ms 845.4us 2.721ms 308.8us 4
postgresql 3.806ms 1.471ms 12.76ms 1.675ms 3

Measures the time spent adding or updating a review of a product by a customer. Each customer can only have one review per product. When this operation is complete, all subsequent calls to LookupProduct and FindProduct should reflect the new rating. This simulates an 'upsert' (insert or update) operation using a unique index.

This operation was executed 81 time(s) across each backend.

Backend Avg Min Max StdDev Outliers
bonsaidb-local 1.953ms 532.5us 45.35ms 6.221ms 2
bonsaidb-local+lz4 1.998ms 542.4us 49.10ms 6.734ms 2
bonsaidb-quic 2.617ms 1.021ms 50.97ms 6.664ms 2
bonsaidb-ws 2.115ms 861.1us 44.83ms 5.606ms 2
postgresql 8.734ms 5.047ms 17.11ms 2.519ms 1