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//! Large file storage support for BonsaiDb.
//! This crate provides support for storing large files in
//! [BonsaiDb]( While BonsaiDb's document size limit is 4
//! gigabytes, the requirement that each document is loaded in memory fully can
//! cause higher memory usage when storing larger files.
//! # `FileConfig`
//! The [`FileConfig`] trait allows customizing the [`CollectionName`]s and
//! block size. If you want to use smaller or larger blocks, you can. If you
//! want to store more than one set of files in the same database, you can use
//! two [`FileConfig`] implementors with different [`CollectionName`]s.
//! For most users, the provided implementation [`BonsaiFiles`] will work for
//! them.
//! # Basic Example
//! ```rust
#![doc = include_str!("../examples/")]
//! ```
//! # Async Support
//! This crate adds implementations of `tokio::io::AsyncRead` and
//! `tokio::io::AsyncWrite` when the `async` feature flag is enabled.
#![cfg_attr(feature = "async", doc = "```rust")]
#![cfg_attr(feature = "async", doc = include_str!("../examples/"))]
#![cfg_attr(feature = "async", doc = "```")]
// clippy::missing_docs_in_private_items,
clippy::missing_errors_doc, // TODO clippy::missing_errors_doc
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
#[cfg(feature = "async")]
use bonsaidb_core::async_trait::async_trait;
use bonsaidb_core::connection::AsyncConnection;
use bonsaidb_core::connection::Connection;
use bonsaidb_core::key::time::TimestampAsNanoseconds;
use bonsaidb_core::schema::{
CollectionName, InsertError, Qualified, Schema, SchemaName, Schematic,
pub use bonsaidb_macros::FileConfig;
use derive_where::derive_where;
use serde::de::DeserializeOwned;
use serde::Serialize;
mod schema;
/// Types for accessing files directly from a connection to a database. These
/// types perform no permission checking beyond what BonsaiDb normally checks as
/// part of accessing/updating the underlying collections.
pub mod direct;
/// A configuration for a set of [stored files](direct::File).
#[cfg_attr(feature = "async", async_trait)]
pub trait FileConfig: Sized + Send + Sync + Unpin + 'static {
/// The type of the `metadata` stored in [`File`](direct::File). If you do
/// not need to store metadata, you can set this type to `()`.
type Metadata: Serialize + DeserializeOwned + Send + Sync + Debug + Clone;
/// The maximum size for each write to an underlying file. The file will be
/// stored by breaking the data written into chunks no larger than
const BLOCK_SIZE: usize;
/// Returns the unique collection name to use to store [`File`s][direct::File].
fn files_name() -> CollectionName;
/// Returns the unique collection name to use to store file blocks.
fn blocks_name() -> CollectionName;
/// Registers the collections for this configuration into `schema`.
fn register_collections(schema: &mut Schematic) -> Result<(), bonsaidb_core::Error> {
/// Builds a new file. If `name_or_path` starts with a `/`, the argument is
/// treated as a full path to the file being built. Otherwise, the argument
/// is treated as the file's name.
fn build<NameOrPath: AsRef<str>>(name_or_path: NameOrPath) -> direct::FileBuilder<'static, Self>
Self::Metadata: Default,
direct::FileBuilder::new(name_or_path, <Self::Metadata as Default>::default())
/// is treated as the file's name. The file's metadata will be `metadata`
/// upon creation. The file's metadata will be `metadata` upon creation.
fn build_with_metadata<NameOrPath: AsRef<str>>(
name_or_path: NameOrPath,
metadata: Self::Metadata,
) -> direct::FileBuilder<'static, Self> {
direct::FileBuilder::new(name_or_path, metadata)
/// Returns the file with the unique `id` given, if found. This function
/// only loads metadata about the file, it does not load the contents of the
/// file.
fn get<Database: Connection + Clone>(
id: u32,
database: &Database,
) -> Result<Option<direct::File<direct::Blocking<Database>, Self>>, bonsaidb_core::Error> {
direct::File::<_, Self>::get(id, database)
/// Returns the file located at `path`, if found. This function
fn load<Database: Connection + Clone>(
path: &str,
) -> Result<Option<direct::File<direct::Blocking<Database>, Self>>, Error> {
direct::File::<_, Self>::load(path, database)
/// Returns the file locate at `path`, or creates an empty file if not
/// currently present.
/// If `expect_present` is true, this function will first check for an
/// existing file before attempting to create the file. This parameter is
/// purely an optimization, and the function will work regardless of the
/// value. Pass true if you expect the file to be present a majority of the
/// time this function is invoked. For example, using this function to
/// retrieve a file created once and append to the same path in the future,
/// passing true will make this function slightly more optimized for the
/// most common flow.
/// Regardless whether `expect_present` is true or false, this function will
/// proceed by attempting to create a file at `path`, relying on BonsaiDb's
/// ACID-compliance to notify of a conflict if another request succeeds
/// before this one. If a conflict occurs, this function will then attempt
/// to load the document. If the document has been deleted, the
/// [`Error::Deleted`] will be returned.
fn load_or_create<Database: Connection + Clone>(
expect_present: bool,
) -> Result<direct::File<direct::Blocking<Database>, Self>, Error>
<Self::Metadata as Default>::default(),
fn load_or_create_with_metadata<Database: Connection + Clone>(
) -> Result<direct::File<direct::Blocking<Database>, Self>, Error> {
// First, try loading the file if we expect the file will be present
// (ie, a singleton file that is always preseent after the first
// launch).
if expect_present {
if let Some(file) = direct::File::<_, Self>::load(path, database)? {
return Ok(file);
// File not found, or we are going to assume the file isn't present.
match Self::build_with_metadata(path, metadata).create(database) {
Ok(file) => Ok(file),
Err(Error::AlreadyExists) => {
// Rather than continue to loop, we will just propogate the
// previous error in the situation where the file was deleted
// between our failed attempt to create and the attempt to
// retrieve the conflicted document.
direct::File::<_, Self>::load(path, database)?.ok_or(Error::Deleted)
Err(other) => Err(other),
/// Deletes the file at `path`. Returns true if a file was deleted. Does not
/// error if the file is not found.
fn delete<Database: Connection + Clone>(
) -> Result<bool, Error> {
} else {
/// Returns all files that have a containing path of exactly `path`. It will
/// only return files that have been created, and will not return "virtual"
/// directories that are part of a file's path but have never been created.
/// This function only loads metadata about the files, it does not load the
/// contents of the files.
fn list<Database: Connection + Clone>(
) -> Result<Vec<direct::File<direct::Blocking<Database>, Self>>, bonsaidb_core::Error> {
direct::File::<_, Self>::list(path, database)
/// Returns all files that have a path starting with `path`.
fn list_recursive<Database: Connection + Clone>(
direct::File::<_, Self>::list_recursive(path, database)
/// Returns statistics for all files contained within this collection. This
/// is equivalent to calling [`Self::stats_for_path`] with `"/"` for the
/// path.
fn stats<Database: Connection + Clone>(
) -> Result<Statistics, bonsaidb_core::Error> {
Self::stats_for_path("/", database)
/// Returns statistics for all files whose path starts with `path`.
fn stats_for_path<Database: Connection + Clone>(
direct::File::<_, Self>::stats_for_path(path, database)
async fn get_async<Database: AsyncConnection + Clone>(
) -> Result<Option<direct::File<direct::Async<Database>, Self>>, bonsaidb_core::Error> {
direct::File::<_, Self>::get_async(id, database).await
async fn load_async<Database: AsyncConnection + Clone>(
) -> Result<Option<direct::File<direct::Async<Database>, Self>>, Error> {
direct::File::<_, Self>::load_async(path, database).await
async fn load_or_create_async<Database: AsyncConnection + Clone>(
) -> Result<direct::File<direct::Async<Database>, Self>, Error>
async fn load_or_create_with_metadata_async<Database: AsyncConnection + Clone>(
) -> Result<direct::File<direct::Async<Database>, Self>, Error> {
if let Some(file) = direct::File::<_, Self>::load_async(path, database).await? {
match Self::build_with_metadata(path, metadata)
direct::File::<_, Self>::load_async(path, database)
async fn delete_async<Database: AsyncConnection + Clone>(
async fn list_async<Database: AsyncConnection + Clone>(
) -> Result<Vec<direct::File<direct::Async<Database>, Self>>, bonsaidb_core::Error> {
direct::File::<_, Self>::list_async(path, database).await
async fn list_recursive_async<Database: AsyncConnection + Clone>(
direct::File::<_, Self>::list_recursive_async(path, database).await
/// is equivalent to calling [`Self::stats_for_path_async`] with `"/"` for the
async fn stats_async<Database: AsyncConnection + Clone>(
Self::stats_for_path_async("/", database).await
async fn stats_for_path_async<Database: AsyncConnection + Clone>(
direct::File::<_, Self>::stats_for_path_async(path, database).await
/// A default configuration for storing files within BonsaiDb.
pub struct BonsaiFiles;
impl FileConfig for BonsaiFiles {
type Metadata = Option<()>;
const BLOCK_SIZE: usize = 65_536;
fn files_name() -> CollectionName {
CollectionName::new("bonsaidb", "files")
fn blocks_name() -> CollectionName {
CollectionName::new("bonsaidb", "blocks")
/// A schema implementation that allows using any [`FileConfig`] as a [`Schema`]
/// without manually implementing [`Schema`].
#[derive_where(Default, Debug)]
pub struct FilesSchema<Config: FileConfig = BonsaiFiles>(PhantomData<Config>);
impl<Config: FileConfig> Schema for FilesSchema<Config> {
fn schema_name() -> SchemaName {
fn define_collections(schema: &mut Schematic) -> Result<(), bonsaidb_core::Error> {
/// Errors that can be returned when interacting with files.
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
pub enum Error {
/// An underlying database error was returned.
#[error("database error: {0}")]
/// A name contained an invalid character. Currently, the only disallowed
/// character is `/`.
#[error("names must not contain '/'")]
/// An absolute path was expected, but the path provided did not include a
/// leading `/`.
#[error("all paths must start with a leading '/'")]
/// An attempt at creating a file failed because a file already existed.
#[error("a file already exists at the path provided")]
/// The file was deleted during the operation.
#[error("the file was deleted during the operation")]
impl<T> From<InsertError<T>> for Error {
fn from(err: InsertError<T>) -> Self {
impl From<bonsaidb_core::Error> for Error {
fn from(err: bonsaidb_core::Error) -> Self {
match err {
bonsaidb_core::Error::UniqueKeyViolation { .. } => Self::AlreadyExists,
other => Self::Database(other),
impl From<Error> for bonsaidb_core::Error {
fn from(err: Error) -> Self {
Error::Database(err) => err,
other => Self::other("bonsaidb-files", other),
/// Controls which location of a file to remove data from during a truncation.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum Truncate {
/// Remove data from the start (head) of the file when truncating.
/// Remove data from the end (tail) of the file when truncating.
/// Statistics about a set of files contained in a collection.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Statistics {
/// The total number of bytes contained within the path queried. This only
/// counts bytes that would be returned when reading the contents of files.
/// No metadata information is included in this calculation.
pub total_bytes: u64,
/// The number of files contained within the path queried.
pub file_count: usize,
/// The last timestamp data was appended to a file within the path queried.
/// This contains `None` if there is no data present.
pub last_appended_at: Option<TimestampAsNanoseconds>,
mod tests;